09 January, 2007


We do not have a term for a person who rejects astrology, nor do we need one. If legions of astrologers sought to bend our public policy to their pseudo-science, we wouldn’t need to dub ourselves “non-astrologers” to put them in their place. Words like “reason,” “evidence,” and “commonsense” would suffice. So it should be with religion.
Sam Harris

Once Lara asked me, in front of a room full of Christians, whether I was an atheist or an agnostic. I answered "atheist" because I was using Bertrand Russell's "for all intents and purposes" definition of atheism, which allows for philosophical agnosticism.

I still agree with Russell Hanson's objection to agnosticism as a non-position. So, if someone pushed me on the distinction, I'd want to argue that atheism can be used in a weak sense as a contrast to polytheism and monotheism, ie that I worship zero gods.

But, overall, I agree with Sam Harris. It's easier to just omit the labels altogether. I've never been one to write "atheist" under "other religion"; I'm much happier to just tick "none". (Although it's always tempting to write "Jedi"!)


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