02 July, 2009

Bogan Names

This is perennial bugbear for me but the SMH has just released the list of Australia's most over-used names for 2008. Here it is :
Jack, William, Lachlan, Joshua, Riley, Thomas, Cooper, Oliver, James and Ethan
Mia, Chloe, Isabella, Charlotte, Emily, Ella, Olivia, Sienna, Ava and Sophie

Now, it's not SMH's fault that people don't know the difference between a surname and a given name, don't know what full name goes with a nickname or just make shit up. The main problem with the article is that they quote a social researcher who says that this is a conservative trend. The dolt claims that "in 1950, John was the most popular boy's name but is now ranked 80th". Not it's not - Jack's listed at #1. The boy's list also contains two surnames mistaken for given names. Riley? Cooper? Do you really want your son to grow up a barrel-maker?

And what's with the girls' names? I want to meet the parents of a Sienna just so I can ask whether she's named after the limonite clay or after the Toyota van.

Those poor kids. Won't someone please think of the children!?


At 6 July 2009, 11:26:00 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where's all the hyphenated names? Tay-lah tops my list.

At 1 Sept 2009, 8:42:00 am, Blogger Aussie Unionist said...

That Chaser clip is pure gold.


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