27 April, 2009


Today Facebook asked me if I wanted to become a fan of "Defending Marriage according to Jesus", despite the fact that I have "Legalize Gay Marriage" as a cause I support. I found out which "friend" was a member and once it became clear that she hadn't "become a fan" ironically, I de-friended her.

She wasn't a real friend to begin with, just a casual acquaintance of Cindy's who we see at parties. But now I'm wondering whether I'm being inconsistent for not deleting several other Facebook "friends" who I'm almost certain have similar views. Some of them I'm confident have even more disagreeable views than this girl who described herself as liberal. I guess I just don't want to be too pro-active in weeding out the people who shouldn't be my friends.

That's not to say that I'm violating the Categorical imperative or anything like that. I wouldn't be offended if someone de-friended me because they didn't agree with the politically-charged links I post. If anything it would be a bit of a relief.

26 April, 2009

Morality Quiz

So I just took a moral psychology test and got a result. It's based on the idea that there are five main moral values but people with different political perspectives weight them differently.

Here's my result, I'm the green column:

I wonder if it's significant that I rank the values in basically the same order as "liberals" (in the US sense) but exaggerate the difference in emphasis.

19 April, 2009

Counterfactuals - What Jesus Could Have Done