16 April, 2010


I was just reading an article saying that Obama has ordered gay people to visit their partners in hospital more often, or something to that effect. It explains that 'the new rule will affect any hospital that receives Medicare or Medicaid funding, a move that covers the vast majority of the nation's health-care institutions'. I guess that's all you can do with an executive order, but that made me wonder why they don't just enforce some existing law.

Then I read further down in the article that the USA's Federal anti-discrimination law does not prevent discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation. Some states have it but 29 American states provide no such protection. Naturally, Indiana's one of the slow ones.

Interestingly, some states provide extra protection for certain groups, e.g. Michigan prohibits discrimination on the ground of height or weight. And, guess what, Indiana protects smokers! Smokers can do what they like in their free time but gay people can't.


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