26 September, 2006

Flood Geology

I have a student in my class who is always emailing me to ask the most trivial questions. She recently asked me "Is it true that the Noachian deluge was believed to have scattered the remains of animals and therefore, creationsists believe that is the reason for the fossil record?" I didn't really know what to make of the question. When she put it like that it sounded such a stupid thing to believe, the subject line of the email was, "IS this true?"; maybe she thought we were having a lend of her!

I replied:
Short answer 'yes' with an 'if...', long answer 'no' with a 'but...'

That is to say, yes but it depends on the creationist. There are as many different flavours of creationism as you care to name. Many of them DO attribute aspects of the fossil record to a literal global flood as described in Genesis. (Most who call themselves "creationists", as opposed to "intelligent design" folks would say something like this.) But I don't think scattering is the right word. It's more like the 40 days of flooding put down fossils in a specific order that looks like millions of years of sedimentation.

NB This has not always been a scientifically disreputable position. Some geologists a few generations before Darwin believed that all rock forms are due to the action of water and tried to reconcile their observations with the Biblical account. Needless to say, modern geologists see no evidence for a global flood of the sort described in Genesis.

Now they're comparing different species of creationism (Young Earth vs Old Earth; Day=Age vs Gap old Earth interpretations of Genesis) with Theistic Evolution. But still I can't stimulate debate in my discussion groups.


At 15 Oct 2006, 9:20:00 pm, Blogger Lara said...

But still I can't stimulate debate in my discussion groups.

Sometimes it's just a group dynamic thing. You can't be more controversial??

At 15 Oct 2006, 9:36:00 pm, Blogger Nick said...

I thought they might wake up a little when we did higher-criticism of the Bible a couple of weeks ago but not really. I used the standard "Higher criticism says the one must treat patriarchs like Abraham and Moses like the Bronze-Age nomads they were." Nothing. I even described Joshua as a warlord and didn't get a peep out of them.

Next chance I get I'll point out that what Moses did to the Midianites was genocide. I'll pause for a bit to let the word sink in and if I still get nothing I might just have to bring out the big guns and compare him to Hitler.


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